Friday 15 May 2015

Reclaimed Pallet Ring

This is a very simple ring that I made from a pallet in my backyard.
I used simple tools and just spent some time enjoying making this ring, but not trying to rush it. I was at my fathers house so I only had limited tools, but I made do with what I had.

Step 1: Removing the Ring From the Board
After I found my desired hunk of wood, I drilled a hole just smaller then my finger. Next, I drilled smaller holes all the way around that first hole in a circle then I broke the ring part off when there was hardly any wood still holding it on.

Step 2: Roughing it Out

I then found a drill bit slightly smaller then the first hole that I drilled and put it in my drill with an old rag around it. I then forced the stocky ring-to-be onto the bit. This held it tightly and I was able to use coarse sandpaper, cement, or any other course surface to get the material down. I just turned the drill on high and started sanding down the excess material on a cinder block. This went surprisingly fast, and that may be because it was a really soft wood.

Step 3: Final Sanding

now I put a small piece of fabric around a sanding drum on my dremel and pushed the ring onto it. I spun that as I used progressively finer sandpaper to finish the shaping and sanding. Do not go too high on your speed because you don't want anything flying off at 35000 rpm.

Step 4: Finishing

I finished the ring by applying some melted beeswax mixed with petroleum jelly. This gave the ring a nice warm glow that I really enjoy.
Now the ring is done, congratulations.

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